Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Feng Shui for Wealth

Interestingly, this is the number one reason people request a Feng Shui consultation! "Ever since I moved in to this home, I have watched our money flow out the door!" This is one of the most common statements I hear from people. And that's if it ever made it in to begin with... There are many hints a home can give you as to whether it will be financially good for you or not; such as whether the land slopes up or down, whether there is a prominent water course (big swimming pool, river, creek, lake) in an auspicious area nearby, the location of the front door and may other aspects to take into account.

For starters, lets look at what sloping blocks of land may mean for your finances and lifestyle...
Have you ever been in the market to buy a home and noticed that those located on the "low side of the road" are normally cheaper or take longer to sell? This is often the case as most people are not naturally drawn downward and this includes their approach to coming home.

From a Feng Shui perspective, homes on the low side of the road are considered inauspicious for wealth, the further down you head from the road, normally the more difficult it is to attract wealth and it can also indicate that the occupants work very hard or very long hours. The way to help boost your financial situation in this case, is to ensure that there is a strong backing made up of tall trees or some other tall barrier at the rear of the property to "catch" and contain your flow of wealth. However, the trees (or barrier) need to be tall enough to be seen from the front of the block - hence, taller than the home. This is a remedy you can plant or build if your home happens to be located on the low side of the road - not always easy to achieve.

One thing to note though, is that even if you have tal trees at the rear of you property, the occupants may still work very hard or very long hours, but at least they are normally enjoying a healthy level of financial success. So the next time your in the market to buy a property or secure a rental property, may I suggest you look for one on the high side of the road - just a gentle, managebale upward slope. Too steep is not considered good Feng Shui either as you then have to really push to get up to your home and you may find similar issues to the downward slope!

Other issues affecting the financail prosperity in your home can be related to significant water placment, the position of your front door and the "Flying Star Chart" of your home - this can be likened to the information often gleaned from an astrological chart prepared by an astrologer, only we it relates to the changing energies affecting your home. To read more about Flying Star Feng Shui, click here